Current Groups Available
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Relationship-Based Parenting Support
Join us for eight weeks to learn in depth about various topics related to connecting and correcting your child without it damaging the relationship. Children don't come with manuals, which is why this workshop, and others like it, are needed. Experience in real time how you can truly connect with your child during the hard times and learn how you are the key to change in your family’s environment.
Mindfulness Skills Workshop
To live mindfully is to unlock another part of yourself that is already inside you. It means you can live fully and authentically. It means living in harmony with your mind, body and spirit. Join us for 8-weeks to learn the basic principles of mindfulness.
Creative Mental Health Group -Teens
Teen Girls - Ages 14-17
Students learn the core components of mental health and healthy coping skills for anxiety and depression symptoms. Creative exploration and expression offer students an experiential way to apply newly-learned skills and offer more opportunities for self-awareness and making choices that support their mental health.
Creative Mental Health Group- Pre-Teens
Pre-Teen Girls - Ages 11-13
Created to help preteens become more resilient and have better coping skills to navigate stress. Helps preteens develop awareness about their emotions, see the purpose their emotions serve, mange their emotions, and foster more positive emotions in the future
Currently In Process…
Rein in Emotions Workshop- Animal Assisted Group- Teen Girls
Teen Girls
“Rein in Emotions” is an animal assisted psychotherapy workshop group for middle and high school girls who would benefit from learning about emotions and how to manage them alongside their peers. This group is ideal for girls 13-15 years of age who struggle with depressive and anxious symptoms
Women’s Healing Workshop
Where women help heal women. Various topics explored, such as depression, anxiety and over coming identity issues. Women in this group not only learn and practice skills, but process through activities.